Hi guys,
I have submitted my proposal on google-melange. I have been active in
discussion regarding this on centos-docs as well with Karsten.
I have created a small demo tool chain, to have a clarity on how
process will flow and how site can be generated on git commits and
deploying to hosting platform. You can find the code as well as the
live version at : https://github.com/kunaaljain/test-centos-docs
Please have a look at the proposal and the sample code I have written
and give suggestions on how I can improve the proposal. Please note
that the sample code is written for testing purpose, the actual
toolchain may not use the open source tools I am using in it.
Kunal Jain
I will like to congratulate the Centos Team for getting selected in GSOC
Looking forward to work with them this summer.
I have gone through the ideas listed on the centos ideas page and i am
interested in working on "Rootfs build factory".
Saket Sinha
KB / Jonathan / Others,
One of our potential GSoC students, Guatam Malu, has proposed trying
to include xapi packages in the "Xen in a Box" project.
He's gotten packages of xapi building for CentOS 6.6 using XenServer's
buildroot (see below).
The only potential issue I see is about signing.
As I understand it, xapi requires a newer version of ocaml than is
available in C6. The XenServer buildroot includes (and I think
builds) a newer version of ocaml; but (again I think) xapi is
statically linked, so the new ocaml packages are only required for
build, and not for runtime. At the moment Jonathan is trying to work
with one of the other SIGs to get the necessary ocaml support; it's
not clear when that will happen.
Until that time, the only way to get xapi packages built in koji by
the Virt SIG would be to also include the newer version of ocaml (and
whatever other dependencies there are), which we'd like to avoid.
So the question is: Do we need to have all the packages on "Xen in a
Box" CD signed with the CentOS SIG key? If so, do we see any
likelihood that this might be possible by July -- either having a
suitable ocaml to build against in koji, or getting the packages built
and signed some other way?
On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 7:03 PM, Gautam Malu
<gautam.malu(a)research.iiit.ac.in> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a masters student at IIIT Hyderabad. I have applied for gsoc 2015, for
> xen in a box proposal.
> As a part of my proposal,I want to deliver xapi repo which can be used to
> build a custom installer ISO to install CentOS 6 + xen + xapi.
> Here is my full proposal
> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/public/google/gsoc2015/gautam_m…
> About building xapi packages for CentOS; I was able to build all xenserver
> packages with xenserver build root. (https://github.com/xenserver/buildroot)
> on CentOS 6.6 . This buildroot uses Xen4CentOS repo for xen packages, but it
> uses custom repo for Ocaml(4.01).
> The Base repo for CentOS 6.6 have ocaml 3.11. This buildroot required Ocaml
> 4.x. The gsoc would start in May end, if Ocaml 4.x packages are ready by
> then, Those could be used to build xapi.
> Is there any plan to have xapi as part of virt SIG.
> Is there any time-line for having ocaml 4.x packages in CentOS offical
> repo.
> Best regards,
> Gautam Malu
Hi all,
Any Koji experts around, who can give some pointers/assistance
with the CentOS "Community Build System"?
We're trying to automatically build a patched kernel RPM, when
new kernel updates happen. (for the Storage SIG)
When triggered, the build environment only has the stock/base
kernel rpm though, and not the updated kernel one. :(
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
GlusterFS - http://www.gluster.org
An open source, distributed file system scaling to several
petabytes, and handling thousands of clients.
My personal twitter: twitter.com/realjustinclift
Hi All!
It's time for another meeting to discuss the Community Build System. We
will be meeting in #centos-devel on Freenode.
Here's our Agenda:
#info Topic: Quick Updates?
#info Topic: Discuss Centralized Authentication
#info Topic: Open Floor
See you there!
Brian Stinson
brian(a)bstinson.com | IRC: bstinson | Bitbucket/Twitter: bstinsonmhk
Hey all,
I'm doing some shell and puppet stuff to harden servers. Initial goals
are to meet STIG requirements, help people learn how to contribute, and
provide tools so over-worked sysadmins can go home once in a while.
Right now we're doing shell, Ruby, Puppet, and could really use someone
who can help me learn how to write rspec-puppet tests. If you're not
sure how you can contribute, let me know. There's probably a place for
your skills.
Greetings All!
Time for a Storage SIG meeting ( We are following a bi-weekly schedule) .
We will be meeting in #centos-devel on Freenode.
#info Topic: Action items from previous meeting
#info Topic: Status Updates
#info Subtopic: GlusterFS
#info Subtopic: OpenAFS
#info Subtopic: Ceph
#info Subtopic: SCST
#info Open Floor
Hey all, my first post here. I'm trying to find someone to talk to about
the Hardening SIG. I'm doing some related stuff and my dev boxes are
CentOS. Seems a good idea to see if things can work together.