Hi All,
It's time for another meeting to talk about the Community Build
System[0]. We will meet in #centos-devel on irc.freenode.net
- Status Updates
- Work on the final task list for deploying Central Auth
- Open Floor
- Last half of the meeting devoted to a intro presentation to ci.centos.org
See you there!
Can someone kindly enlighten why CentOS-6.7-i386-LiveCD has been excluded
from the checksum provided on
If you are providing it from all the download sources/mirrors; then please
include the checksum in the release page also so that one can verify after
I want to use 6.7 livecd on some old hardware and have no way to make sure
the image is safe to use.
If possible kindly do consider adding sha256 checksum to the page.
SZ Quadri
I am pleased to announce the general availability of the RDO build for
OpenStack Liberty for CentOS Linux 7 x86_64, suitable for building
private, public and hybrid clouds. OpenStack Liberty is the 12th release
of the open source software collaboratively built by a large number of
contributors around the OpenStack.org project space.
The RDO community project ( https://www.rdoproject.org/ ) curates,
packages, builds, tests and maintains a complete OpenStack component set
for RHEL and CentOS Linux and is a founding member of the CentOS Cloud
Infrastructure SIG ( https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud
). The Cloud Infrastructure SIG focus on delivering a great user
experience for CentOS Linux users looking to build and maintain their
own onpremise, public or hybrid clouds.
In addition to the comprehensive OpenStack services, libraries and
clients, this release also provides Packstack, a simple installer for
proof-of-concept installations, as small as a single all-in-one box and
RDO Manager ( https://www.rdoproject.org/RDO-Manager ) , an OpenStack
deployment and management tool for production environments based on the
OpenStack TripleO project.
Ensure you have a fully updated CentOS Linux 7/x86_64 machine, and run :
sudo yum install centos-release-openstack-liberty
sudo yum install openstack-packstack
packstack --allinone
For a more detailed quickstart please refer to the RDO Project hosted
guide at https://www.rdoproject.org/QuickStart
For RDO Manager consult https://www.rdoproject.org/RDO-Manager page.
RDO project is closely tracking upstream OpenStack projects using the
Delorean tool[1] which is producing RPM packages from upstream development
Since the previous OpenStack Kilo release, RDO is participating
in the Cloud SIG and using CentOS provided infrastructure.
Towards the end of developement cycle packages are imported into CentOS
Cloud SIG buildsystem[2] and get eventually published in Cloud SIG
[1] http://trunk.rdoproject.org/
[2] http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CommunityBuildSystem
[3] http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/
Getting Help:
The RDO Project provides a Q&A service at ask.openstack.org, for more
developer oriented content we recommend joining the mailing list at
https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-list. Remember to post
a brief introduction about yourself and your RDO story.
You can also find extensive documentation at
We also welcome comments and requests on the CentOS Mailing lists (
https://lists.centos.org/ ) and the CentOS IRC Channels ( #centos on
irc.freenode.net ), however we have a more focused audience in the RDO
To get involved in the OpenStack RPM packaging effort, see
https://www.rdoproject.org/Get_involved and
https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud Join us in #rdo on the
Freenode IRC network, and follow us at @RDOCommunity on Twitter.
And, if you're going to be in Tokyo for the OpenStack Summit next week,
join us on Wednesday at lunch for the RDO community meetup
( http://sched.co/4MYy ).
I'd like to thank all RDO developers and CentOS Project for
their effort and support resulting in this release,
dmsimard - for continuously improving RDO CI
jpena - for keeping Delorean service up and running
jruzicka - for the rdopkg auto-magic
number80 - for countless reviews and packaging wisdom
social - for puppet module mastery
trown - for leading RDO Manager side of the show!
Special thanks to all the folks who helped with last minute testing in
IRC #rdo channel !
Alan Pevec
Cloud SIG and RDO project member
The four-week release of CentOS Atomic Host is set to consist of CentOS
core plus a set newer "atomic" packages[1], built for CentOS in the CBS,
with versions tracking what's in Fedora Latest Stable (currently F22, soon
to be F23).
In the downstream rebuild version of CentOS Atomic Host, these "atomic"
packages come from the CentOS Extras repository, built from upstream RHEL
AH code.
## Atomic pkgs in the CBS, today and tomorrow
There are versions of all/most of the "atomic" pkgs in the CBS (in the
atomic7-testing and virt7-common-candidate tags), but which versions, and
when they're updated, and where they live, isn't governed by any set
process. It may make sense to add a new tag specifically for the 4wk
### Here's a rough process proposal:
1. We pay attention to upstream releases of "atomic" packages, and pay
attention to the available versions of those packages in Fedora latest
testing. If the packages in Fedora latest testing are older than the
currently released upstream versions, we ping the Fedora package maintainer
about updating to the latest released version.
2. We help move Fedora packages from testing to stable by testing them and
giving them karma.
3. We take the stable "atomic" packages from Fedora latest and rebuild them
for CentOS 7 in the CBS, using a tag for this purpose. We automate this if,
4. We feed the repo backing this CAH-4wk tag into our 4wk/devel buildscript
(see https://github.com/CentOS/sig-atomic-buildscripts/tree/devel), build
repo/images, test those images, images/trees that pass tests become our
four-week releases, released, presumably, every four weeks or so. Again,
automating as many steps as possible.
[1] The "atomic" packages are:
Finding the latest stable or testing version of a pkg in Fedora. For docker
(replace pkg name as needed):
Let's discuss this here on the list and at next week's atomic sig meeting.
Jason Brooks
Red Hat Open Source and Standards
@jasonbrooks | @redhatopen
it would be great to implement jobs in the CI infra that can tag or
reject content in cbs tags based on test output. But in order to do
this, we need to be able to run a koji client in the same place, and
that in turn means koji credentials.
since the ci infra is all public and we dont want to publish the creds
there, thoughts around how we might be able to do this ?
One option might be to host the creds and koji itself on the
jenkins-slave nodes, so its not pushed to the ci test infra itself, and
use the feedback from the test run to make a decision on the slave. This
does ofcourse complicate the jenkins job setup dramatically ( from the
existing simple, grab machine, deploy tests, run tests, report
success/fail ).
Thoughts on other mechanics ? if at all possible ?
Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc
hi Karanbir
and thanks for your reply.
I just subscribed to centos-del (after intermittent longtime lurking)
so some introduction may help.
I have been experimenting with glusterfs on Fedora and Debian for a good
while now and decided it was time to try and roll out a 'prod like' setup.
After a fair bit of searching through obsolete webpages and reading
through mailing lists
I found the centos CBS and koji builds:
Whilst I do not _require_ to be running absolute latest build
I do need something recent.
I was hoping to find relatively recent builds to enable a workflow
whereby I produce easily maintainable 3.7+ gluster containers without me
having to follow development, apply patches, compile from source etc.
ATM I only actually require a build later than 3.7.2
to fix bug:
> use the user-facing content published to the buildlogs, thats what it
> exists for : http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/storage/
While the old-but-stable 3.6.2 build on buildlogs would be fine for
'prod', I am still at the 'dev' or 'pre-prod' stage and feature
development and bugfix is underway in 3.7 series- as you know.
I would be very happy to be able to test 'candidate' or 'testing' builds.
Initially my testing is in VMs but subsequently I will be testing
installing, updating and maintaining (docker) containers.
So any suggestions for how I can access Centos builds of Gluster 3.7+ ?
Once again,
Thanks In Advance.