I've switched my CentOS Linux 8 workstation to CentOS Stream 8 quite
some time ago, and haven't encountered too many issues doing so, but I'm
curious as to why there haven't been any package updates that I can see
in quite some time (since early October as far as I can see).
With the new stream process, my understanding is that for feature and
bugfix development, the process is:
Git ---> CentOS Stream ---> RHEL (next minor version)
But with security updates, it seems to be:
Git ---> RHEL (current minor version) ---> RHEL rebuilds (Rocky, Alma, etc)
I'm kind of surprised that my firefox and thunderbird builds still seem
stuck at 91.13.0, when I've seen updates go by on the RHEL 8 channels
with the newer firefox builds, etc.
What is the flow for security updates to make it into CentOS Stream
package repositories? Is there some documentation describing this that
maybe I missed? I don't remember seeing this on the CPE newsletter either.