It looks like Thursday at 1900 UTC (2:00 pm Eastern U.S.) is the time that fits us all. I'll see ya'll on #centos-meeting at that time.
Current Agenda: * What basics still needs to be setup * Image build systems ** What are people's favorite ** What will it take to set that up on the CentOS SIG infrastructure * Open Floor
On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 4:07 PM Troy Dawson wrote:
I have created a poll to help us figure out the best day and time to have our meetings. I did the times a bit to the extreme, from very very early for those on the U.S. west coast, to very very late for those in Europe. I sorta hope neither of those extremes are picked, but I figured it would be best to have everything. I have setup the poll for Monday through Friday. Just ignore the dates (14-18) associated with them. Here is the link.
Troy Dawson