On 12/04/2014 05:28 PM, John Newbigin wrote:
I am sure this must have been asked before but I have been unable to find it anywhere...
I am looking for the build parameters & logs for EL6, specifically for the libvirt package.
The reason behind this is that I an trying to rebuild libvirt with a patch but my rebuilt version does not run.
There is a stack of --with and --without options which I might need to provide.
In the first instance, I just want to replicate the c6 build for this package.
Our CentOS-7 build infrastructure is designed to push all build logs publicly (as is that whole process) .. but that is not the case for the older versions.
I would be happy to send you copies of those logs though. I send to the mailing address you use on the list.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes