On 04/06/18 00:42, Alan Pevec wrote:
Hey Thomas,
On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 8:32 AM, Thomas Oulevey thomas.oulevey@cern.ch wrote:
My proposal would to initiate a rebuild of the new Ansible channel[2](within the Config Management SIG) and follow a better release cycle.
I would rebuild SRPMs published by upstream http://releases.ansible.com/ansible/rpm/release/epel-7-x86_64/ that's was the source for Ansible builds in RDO/Cloud SIG and it mirrors what Storage SIG is doing with Ceph (rebuilding upstream SRPMs from http://download.ceph.com/ )
I've applied for sig-configmanagement to get this going.
Cheers, Alan
Hi Alan,
I discussed last week with Brian about this, as we (CentOS Project) are now migrating from Puppet to Ansible so we'd need to stick to maybe Ansible Engine version. That means that either Brian or me would like to also rebuild (that's the easy part) ansible through CBS, but sticking to the ansible engine version, so rebuilding the src.rpm available here : ftp://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/enterprise/7Server/en/Ansible/SRPMS/
Our plan was to get in touch with Julien Pivotto (SIG chair) to discuss this and have a kind of approval, then starting rebuilding those pkgs and rebuild as soon as an updated version appears. That means that it would differ from your proposal though, as you'd be rebuilding the "real upstream" one, while we'd prefer sticking with the engine variant (that is the one tested for Tower and probably other RH installers sticking to that version)
Would that make sense ?