Karanbir Singh wrote:
version. Then instead of a million specialty distributions, you just need repositories where all the parts are available.
the anaconda docs, basic as they are, are trivial - and the process to recreate the distro tree ( which is not what the question originally was, the op only seems to want to know howto redo the isos ) - is very simple, you need to make 1 call to buildinstall - and that will give you the command line you need to run with.
Les, I think your email was based more on what you dont know about the installer now, than anything else.
Actually it's based on a glance at www.distrowatch.com and a bit of bitterness about having each of the ones I've tested unnecessarily break things that work elsewhere.
And yes, its possible _now_ to have repositories enabled at installtime, so you only really need a very small footprint of a distro really, everything else can come in install-time from various places, including the distro media itself hosting multiple repo's is trivial.
I wouldn't mind a two-step process where you install a tiny base, then boot it and give it the list of repositories and packages. The piece I still think is missing is the way to export your current list of packages and a community forum to hold the lists, descriptions and specialized packages. Someone who thinks they've built something useful should be able to push a button to share it, letting other people automatically duplicate it from existing supported packages instead of having to roll a new install cd or vmware image each with new support issues.