Hi Pete,
On 11/29/2011 09:16 PM, Peter Meier wrote:
But the errata could also be made available in additional format than only by mail? That would not include to "copy" them, wouldn't it?
The issue is that we cant use / consume info published inside rhn, any of it. Doing so puts not only us in violation of their AUP and Terms, but everyone who uses CentOS. Its too big a deal to risk.
Having said that, I think the issue really boils down to : 1) What should be included in a release announcement
2) Can this info be available in a format that is consumable without need to scrape.
So we really just need to work out (1), doing (2) is now quite easy, the entire buildsystem uses a json / rest api that can be extended in either direction ( both into the system and outside the system to user/consumer stacks ). An example would be getting a callback when a package one subscribes to gets an update, along with a json object that contains metadata around the update.
I believe pulp is getting functionality that allows arbitrary content consumption, so a plugin that could map centos-errata-metadata into a format pulp can consume would be the way to go. Ideally the spacekwalk people will stop scraping the mailing lists as well.
Btw, I'm not on the pulp list, so lets trust you to bridge.
- KB