Marcus Moeller wrote:
An option would be to include all packages from the newly created Spacewalk $ver-client repo, e.g.:
Not in CentOS5 since recent this version require python-dmidecode which is not in RHEL and therefore probably in CentOS.
For Fedora, the plan is to bring these packages to the main tree, and most of them are already there.
Yes, I'm preparing them. Ale mentioned packages are already there. Bunch of others are on the way.
As Miroslav already stated that these packages won't hit I do not thing that should be a big problem.
Partialy true. Recent upstream version will not hit accidentaly That version included in RHEL will do that by default. But these change: is only one which are required to prevent from accidental check of
So my recomendation is: take this patch and apply it on current rhel5 package and include all of them in CentOS.
Setting up an own repo for the 'server' part of Spacewalk within the CentOS Space does not make much sense imho and would cause overhead.