We have added BackupPC for CentOS 4 into the testing repository at dev.centos.org.
The version of BackupPC is 2.12 including the p1 patchset of Feb 2006.
Here is the documentation for BackupPC: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq/BackupPC.html
Copy the testing CentOS-Testing.repo file from here:
to /etc/yum.repos.d/ , then use this command to install backuppc:
yum --enablerepo=c4-testing install backuppc
yum may bring in other dependencies like samba-client, samba-common, perl-Archive, perl-Compress, perl-File-Rsync, httpd, mod_perl, etc.
This version of BackupPC uses mod_perl and requires editing of the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file and changing the User and Group from apache to backuppc, so that they look like this:
User=backuppc Group=backuppc
This may cause some other programs to require setup changes. In fact, it is recommended that the backup machine serve no other web sites except the backuppc CGI interface.
You must start httpd and backuppc prior to accessing the backuppc site using this command:
service httpd start service backuppc start
Then you can access the web interface with:
The default username and password are:
username: admin password: admin
Please click on the "Documentation" Link on the left frame and then click the "CentOS README" link for more setup information.
(The README.centos file is also in /usr/share/doc/backuppc-2.1.2/ after install). ----------------------------------------------------------- Please report positive and negative feedback to our BackupPC tracker here: http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=1299
With enough positive feedback, this will be moved into the extras repository for CentOS.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes