On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Phil Schaffner P.R.Schaffner@ieee.org wrote:
The CentOS fora seem to be seriously hosed ATM. Trying to access anything at the top level page gives errors like:
An Error Occured SELECT t.*, u.name, u.uname,u2.name as last_post_name, u2.uname as last_poster, p.post_time as last_post_time, p.poster_name as last_poster_name, p.icon, p.post_id, p.post_karma, p.require_reply, pt.post_text FROM xoops_bb_topics t LEFT JOIN xoops_users u ON u.uid = t.topic_poster LEFT JOIN xoops_bb_posts p ON p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id LEFT JOIN xoops_bb_posts_text pt ON pt.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id LEFT JOIN xoops_users u2 ON u2.uid = p.uid WHERE (p.post_time > 1247552420 OR t.topic_sticky=1) AND t.forum_id = 51 AND t.approved = 1 AND p.approved = 1 ORDER BY t.topic_sticky DESC, p.post_time DESC If the page does not automatically reload, please click here
And www.centos.org is nearly empty if you LOGIN. I've got donavan's attention on IRC.
[23:43] toracat | www.c.o. is blank if you login [23:44] < donavan> ahh, probably the ddos promise in centos earlier