The meeting last evening was mostly fruitful. There were 4 major points that came through:
1) Do we want the language specific content to go in as <lang>.centos.org with forums and a small portal behind each one of those ( like fr.centos.org ) - or is it more userfriendly to have the resources abstracted out and each language specific content being marked in different namespace from the english content - eg. wiki.centos.org and wiki.centos.org/es . This would imply a forums.centos.org comes up and the spanish specific content is held at forums.centos.org/es
2) A unified login setup is considered fairly high value, so one username/password would work across all the various *.centos.org sites. There are a few different ways to achieve this, however only when the user facing decisions are made will we look into this so as to not waste time with options that are not usable or will not be usable in the final setup.
3) We want to ideally only have one instance of any bit of software, and have that support the languages natively. If there isnt any support for multiple languages - consider what is involved in bringing that language support in.
4) Most of the people who attended the talk where people who dont themselves either use the forums or know much about them and how they are used - so the idea came up to put together a set of questions, and then have the existing forum users and list users provide some feedback. Exactly what these questions need to be, is something that needs working on. A wiki page will get setup and we can all put in suggestions.
During the meeting it was agreed that we would discuss these points here in the lists so as to get some traction around them. And then have another 45 min chat[1] in a few weeks time to recap on development and also to finalise what questions need to be in the questionnaire.
- KB
[1]: so if you are 40 min late, dont be surprised if everyone else leaves after 5 minutes :)