Dominique Martinet wrote on Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 12:04:22PM +0200:
And at the risk of being insistent the same applies to debuginfo, there is no kernel-debuginfo-4.18.0-147.8* on :(
(This is annoying because just rebuilding doesn't cut it as the build isn't reproductible, so you have to be using the rebuilt rpm everywhere before crashes happen to make any use of kdumps... And dnf doesn't let you reinstall the currently running kernel to make things even more unpleasant...)
Sorry for "spamming", it's been a week and I would appreciate an answer even if it's just a "we're looking at it and it'll come eventually".
The files do exist somewhere (I would assume on koji[1]? hard to check with files being forbidden for download, and nothing on buildlog[2] or old open koji[3] -- it looks like core centos8 and SIGs get differential treatment?), so it's probably just a matter of moving some data... I can understand doing it rightâ„¢ takes some time but please say so! :)
[1] [2] [3]
I can understand infra problems during major releases or saving bandwith or something, but this really ought to be automated for package updates, especially because you're so short-handed.
It's easy to be patronizing as an outsider and I appologize for this but I do not see where I/people could help on this kind of problems without any kind of access.
My (admitedly not very clear) offer to help for technical tasks also still stand, nothing on the contribute[4] page is much technical except for points which do not seem to apply to centos8 (#2 testing refers to buildlog for example...)