On Oct 21, 2016, at 8:17 AM, Karanbir Singh mail-lists@karan.org wrote:
On 21/10/16 13:41, Xiandong Meng wrote:
I am looking for building RDO for ppc64le in centos as well. Based on my experience, there are a few source rpm changes needed to make them work with ppc64le. I would assume this will apply to aarch64 as well.
One case in example is MongoDB. MongoDB 2.6.x depends on V8, but V8 cannot be built out of box on Power. But MongoDB 3.2.x has a dependency on a higher version of Boost than the CentOS 7.2 default.
So shall we work together on a common source repository across multiple architectures or shall we maintain a side repo for aarch64/ppc64le?
if we can consolidate the altarch cloud sig content, that would be quite good!
would you also be able to use the same tag's for ppc8le as aarch64 ? or would this involve a complete new set of tags, and therefore a completely new way to run the merge ?
I guess a question for Thomas - how would a 3 way merge like this work anyway ? how would we track the srpms for content that changes per arch, unless we force all altarch to consume the same content, and ifarch the arch specific changes ?
I would be happy to step in and help with ppc64le RDO bootstrap too. I would hope the same altarch tags and targets would work for aarch64, ppc64le like qemu-kvm-ev in virt7-kvm-common-el7-build http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=12087