2014-07-09 16:35 GMT+02:00 Karanbir Singh mail-lists@karan.org:
On 07/03/2014 02:07 AM, Jim Perrin wrote:
Now that we've got c7 mostly finalized we're starting to look at the upgrade tool. There are several moving pieces for the upgrade tool that will need some patching to work properly.
For anyone who's interesting in taking a dive into the code and helping out, we have some first-run binaries located at http://dev.centos.org/centos/6/upg/ with the source living on git.centos.org
feedback on irc today says that this process just-works. Has anyone else been able to test it ?
I 've been playing around with the preupgrade-assistant packages + sources but it doesn't work for me. I haven't tried an actual migration with redhat-upgrade-tool, though.
- Jitse