CentOS devs (perhaps Tru?),
I have an updated version of nx/freenx ready. The srpms are:
http://centos.toracat.org/misc/nx-freenx/5/SRPMS/freenx-0.7.3-6.el5.centos.a... http://centos.toracat.org/misc/nx-freenx/5/SRPMS/nx-3.4.0-6.el5.centos.ay.sr...
Two tarballs (nxagent and nx-X11) in nx have been update to the current version (as of Sept 2010).
One main change done in this update is addition of support for RHEL6(beta). For example,
rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --define 'dist .el6.centos' --define "centos_ver 6" freenx.spec
will build the x86_64 version of freenx for RHEL/CentOS-6.
Anyone wishing to give them a try can find the binaries at:
http://centos.toracat.org/misc/nx-freenx/6/i386/ http://centos.toracat.org/misc/nx-freenx/6/x86_64/
I have tested them against RHEL 6 beta2 and they seem to work fine.