On 06/26/2014 07:30 PM, Anssi Johansson wrote:
24.6.2014 19.39, Johnny Hughes kirjoitti:
CentOS 7 Updates: c7-updates/
This may be obvious to most of you, but I just remembered that I can define additional repositories in the installer. If you are doing netinstalls straight from buildlogs, defining the updates repo ( http://buildlogs.centos.org/c7-updates/ ) in the installer will save you a bit of bandwidth as you don't need to download the outdated packages.
This worked like a charm, and even the per repository proxy setup worked fine. I needed to use a proxy for the buildlogs server, because my test box is IPv6-only and the buildlogs server is IPv4-only.
It is also good to know that the add repo setup works as designed ..not the case in previous versions.