On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Karanbir Singh wrote:
One of the things that I'd like to get working sometime is a proper post-build test harness for rpm's. At the moment, what we do is quite basic, along with rpmdiff and some comparison tools we do a string of bash-written script tests. There must be another way of doing this, a sort of rpm::unit, for the lack of a better name, but modelled on Rspec. To illustrate :
For Pkg in PackageList: { ensure Pkg.SIGGPG => present; };
Makes sure that Packages we are testing are signed, I guess it could also be ensure=> 'blahblah'; to make sure its signed with a specific key.
A more complex test might be to make sure that content in multilib pkgs match for overlapping content + multilib acceptable content.
An even more complex test might be to make sure any rpm that drops an init script also has a chkconfig stanza in the %post / %pre ( as an example ).
The first step would, of course, be to look at doing this per package, and then growing it to work with multiple packages ( eg. doing things like :
TestPackage: { ensure latest in -> http://mirror.centos.org/centos/updates/i386/ } ; to make sure that this new package does indeed provide an higher EVR than whatever is in the repo at the end of that url.
And having this harness pass or fail depending on the test outcome.
Perhaps this is not the right list, but most of the people who would end up using this or having to live with me forcing them to use it are on this list... so I thought this would be a good place to start.
Comments ? Am I wasting my time ?
I'm working on a tool for doing some of these same things for fedora right now.
Here's the list of things we wanted to check in fedora for a tree of pkgs:
#~ Checks: #~ Package/repo checks: #~ metadata matches #~ comps correct #~ file conflicts #~ normal conflicts #~ obsoleted pkgs in tree #~ circular obsoletes #~ self obsoleting pkgs #~ unresolveable provides #~ Tree/Distro #~ verify all files in .treeinfo exist/match #~ check for sha1sums if it finds .iso files
#~ Notifications: #~ Package: #~ report all triggers #~ look for all postrans/pretrans things #~ self-provided filedeps #~ self-provided normal deps #~ soname provides conflicts #~ in general list out all multiple providers
I'm doing the work in the 'verifytree' tool in yum-utils.
will definitely work on centos 5.3 :)