On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Morten Stevens mstevens@fedoraproject.org wrote:
I think what people want is to keep it closely tied to the upstream identification.
yes, which is what this achieves.
No, it doesn't. Close to upstream means 7.0 and not 7-0-core-1406.
CentOS 7.0 will reflect RHEL 7.0 codebase / code age. Based on upstream.
CentOS 7-0-core-1406 will confuse many people.
The confusion could be solved by a little table on the CentOS web site showing the matching identifiers. Then again, if it is a 1:1 correspondence, why change it at all? Just make the table showing the dates.... Or look at the timestamp on the file the way you usually find dates when things were done.