Jim Perrin wrote:
I took a look at Remi Collet's package. He's got some interesting scripts in the spec file. They attempt to set up the pma_* db and tables for you in mysql. I'm not sure I like the idea of an rpm install/upgrade operating directly on a (production) database. It might very well be harmless, but it just doesn't give me warm fuzzy feelings.
Yes, it's not an rpm that you could include on a CD install, that's for sure. I think the Fedora Extras rpm will be, I haven't really looked at it yet though.
Those scripts aren't even necessary if you use auth_type = CONFIG, as I have always used.
From the docs:
For 'HTTP' and 'cookie' modes, phpMyAdmin needs a controluser that has only the SELECT privilege on the mysql.user (all columns except "Password"), mysql.db (all columns), mysql.host (all columns) and mysql.tables_priv (all columns except "Grantor" & "Timestamp") tables. You must specify the details for the controluser in the config.inc.php file under the $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser']& $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] settings.