On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 1:55 PM Scott Dowdle dowdle@montanalinux.org wrote:
----- Original Message -----
All my ranting I am to commit will be explained at the end of the rant.
That was a complete waste of time. They KNOW what people use CentOS for... and all of the caveats with using it (especially on desktop systems) that you mentioned. The devs on this developer mailing list talk about... development stuff.
Actually, I thought Ljubomir's email was well crafted. I don't take offense to any of it and agree with some of the points.
Ljubomir, development and developers defined as "people that write code all day" are definitely part of the story but as you point out they aren't the only part. Really, Stream is looking for contributors. Contributions come in many forms. Docs, bug reporting, patches, RFEs, etc. If you look at all the things you describe doing, those are all contributions and all good ones at that.
Even on the sysadmin side, people deploy servers for a reason. Those reasons need testing and, yes, "development" to make sure their purpose is being fulfilled. You're right though, once it is set up it is more traditional sysadmin. I think Stream can be used in those cases too. Thanks for raising this use case so clearly.