On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 11:16:56AM +0100, Sandro Bonazzola wrote:
Il giorno ven 13 mar 2020 alle ore 11:02 Niels de Vos ndevos@redhat.com ha scritto:
On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 03:18:29PM +0100, Sandro Bonazzola wrote:
Il giorno gio 12 mar 2020 alle ore 15:01 Fabian Arrotin <
ha scritto:
Hi all SIG members,
When working in our "Staging" environment while validating the new signing process (still to be announced when fully in use/prod), we detected some SIGs having multiple variants/versions of their packages.
Just one example (already discussed with Niels and Kaleb in #centos-devel but let's just this one a example): Gluster has multiple versions still listed on mirror.centos.org : http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/storage/x86_64/
As the new process would automatically decide where to push content based on koji/cbs tag name, we found the interesting corner case of gluster312. The CBS tag is storage7-gluster-312-release and so new process would push to centos/7/storage/x86_64/gluster-312/ instead of http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/storage/x86_64/gluster-3.12/ (see
diff betwen koji/cbs tag and the final path/destination)
It seems that only Gluster was impacted for older releases, while it should be good for new releases (tested).
But so that brings the following request : can you come with a list of EOL repositories that you'd like us to trim/remove from mirror.centos.org (they'll be archived to vault.centos.org) ? Doing that at the same time as we launch the new signing/push process would be a good idea.
Thanks a lot in advance for your collaboration !
For oVirt, you can move to vault: http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/virt/x86_64/ovirt-4.2/ since oVirt 4.2 reached EOL around one year ago and is not compatible with CentOS 7.7 and http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/virt/x86_64/ovirt-4.4/ since upstream decided to drop el7 support for oVIrt 4.4 and have it el8 only.
Last time we dropped some centos-release-gluster packages from Extras, but oVirt was still expecting older, unmaintained Gluster versions to be available. What version of Gluster does oVirt consume at the moment?
Ideally we archive/drop all EOL versions. The current maintained versions are on https://www.gluster.org/release-schedule/
Current supported versions for oVirt are: oVirt 4.3 (stable): requiring GlusterFS 6 oVirt 4.4 (in development): requiring GlusterFS 7
From the Gluster project in the Storage SIG, the following repositories
can be removed/archived:
storage/x86_64/gluster-3.12 storage/x86_64/gluster-4.0 storage/x86_64/gluster-4.1
That also means these package need to be removed from Extras:
centos-release-gluster40 centos-release-gluster41