Many thanks Karanbir and the Centos Team.
I beieve that will be a great release.
Best Wishes
Em 07-07-2014 19:51, Fred Smith escreveu:
On Mon, Jul 07, 2014 at 10:26:29PM +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
CentOS-7 has been a massive sprint, but we got there in the end with a few blips - nothing that cant be fixed retrospectively.
I just wanted to drop a note here and say thanks to everyone who participated in the lead up, the builds, the testin and the delivery.
This is, ofcourse, where things begin - we have a great platform with lots of potential to do some really cool stuff.
Lets get started,
- KB
Thanks to you, KB, and all the myriads of others who did all the work. I was glad to put in my $0.02 worth, but it was as nothing compared to many of the rest of you.
T H A N K S A B U N C H!!!