On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 4:53 PM John R. Dennison jrd@gerdesas.com wrote:
On Tue, Apr 06, 2021 at 10:32:40PM +0200, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
Hi everyone.
I have been main admin on official Facebook Group since 2011, but I am planing to slowly pass down that duty.
Thank you for your years of service, Ljubomir.
+1, thanks Ljubomir, I've witnessed some of the work you've put in over the last couple of months.
With AlmaLinux stable appearing and me soon switching my laptop and
facing servers to AL8 and Samba+KVM servers to TrueNAS, and my much diminished going online on Facebook (every several days at most), it
be good if CentOS board started asking around for Facebook group admins
moderators who are willing to offer newbies clues and links to solve
problems, so they can be properly acclimated to Facebook environment.
choice would be forum moderators if they use Facebook regularly. Based on log of approving new members, Ralph Angenendt and few other admins also only come intermittently, every few days, so
blood would be welcome.
Makes sense, thanks for taking it to the list.
Or... it could just get nuked from orbit...
Just a thought :)
Heh, I just looked ... the group's About text is still, after all these years, mostly the same as when I last edited it so long ago :)
I'd rather not nuke it from orbit. I'd check with Rich Bowen first to see if he has any ideas (or would be willing to take over if no one else wants to step up).