You must not create desktop respin of CentOS as fork. You must create packages for CentOS, such as Atheros modules for kernel, updated licq (pidgin, kopete), applications such as yakuake, etc. And AFTER this you must create CD ISO. And... You can do the same thing, such as many package maintainers? Or your distribution have only changes with desktop wallpaper?
-----Исходное сообщение----- From: Ljubomir Ljubojevic Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 12:34 AM To: The CentOS developers mailing list. Subject: [CentOS-devel] What name would be acceptable for Desktop version ofCentOS?
Dear developers of CentOS, I plan to create/start Desktop version/fork/respin of CentOS, practically just to add useful packages, modified repository with prioritized third-party repositories, maybe few tweaks, and built ISO and repositories, so we are not limited to messing with manually adding third-party repositories and dealing with dependency problems. Basic repositories will remain from CentOS project.
I plan to latter on ask about endorsement, maybe even hosting/mirroring project or even running it under the CentOS project flag. I will have to formulate my goals for the project and see how it resonates with you, developers of CentOS.
For the time being, to keep the ball rolling, I have question about the name that you find acceptable (even in the case that I can not find common ground with CentOS project and it remains on the sidelines):
1. CentDOS (Community Enterprize Desktop Operating System) 2. DentOS (Desktop Enterprize Operating System) 3. CentOS-DE (Community Enterprize Operating System - Desktop Edition) 4. Any new suggestion?
I personally and few other people like the first name, CentDOS.