First off- Thanks to all for reading and especially to Jan for responding so helpfully.
So I realised that I could maybe make some progress by telling yum to ignore go version 1.5 from virt7-testing and just install the older 1.4 branch from extras.
[root@vm139 admin]# yum --disablerepo base --disablerepo virt7-testing --skip-broken install golang
Of course that just worked. :-)
Having reread Jans first email again,
godep go run make_secret.go -crt /tmp/nginx.crt -key /tmp/nginx.key > /tmp/secret.json godep: No Godeps found (or in any parent directory) make: *** [secret] Error 1
It says you are running godep in a directory where there is no Godeps file. Once the binary is compiled, you don't need golang compiler.
and read a bit more about godeps, I thought I would try without it to see if I could get past that error.
So I just edited the Makefile:
to remove the call to godeps from: godep go run make_secret.go -crt $(CERT) -key $(KEY) > $(SECRET) to: go run make_secret.go -crt $(CERT) -key $(KEY) > $(SECRET)
But that just spews errors that go can't find the dependencies it needs.
well, DUH! I suppose those are meant to be listed in the Godeps file that godeps is complaining that it cannot find.
As I said - this is new to me as I have not (yet) programmed in go.
What do other people think? Does anyone more knowlegable than me about Kubernetes or Go have any suggestions?
Perhaps I should submit a bug to github-kubernetes and move on?
Thanks again to all for reading and especially to Jan for responding so helpfully.
p.s. What I learned:
Using CBS virt7-testing to provide docker and kubernetes
Package: golang-1.5.1-1.el7.x86_64 will not install because it Requires: golang-src = 1.5.1-1.el7