On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Dag Wieers dag@wieers.com wrote:
Hence my joke that the 'C' in CentOS actually means Closed.
I dont agree, if you said 'C' in CentOS is mispelled 'Slower than ideal', I'd agree :)
Of course, it's not completely closed. Looking in a thesaurus, the only thing coming close to 'Slow' in there that starts with a C is Constipated ;-)
That said, if CentOS wants it this way they sure have every right to do it like this. But it would be nice to state that upfront.
Propose a wording snippet ?
Well, as you promised to open it up after the release, there's no reason to debate it now. Maybe some of the content of the presentation (pros/cons) should be on the wiki in an About section, it would at least change what people expected.
I think the biggest problem is that people expect something else than what is implied, delivered and/or promised, maybe because in the past releases were quicker, or communication was different, or because one simply expects that more is being automated and hence releases are quicker.
For example, I'd appreciate a hint as to which version of mock you're using. I'd previously suggested upgrading from the CentOS 5 one, but the latest epel-testing one is giving me problems and spewing errors when I try to compile *anything*. The epel default one works, but is relatively slow due to mishandling of bulky and unnecessary files such as /var/log/lastlog in the cached tarballs.
The one from RPMforge seems to be working well. (Thanks, Dag and your comrades over at RPMforge!!!!)