We have had some issues with the apt that is currently in the Extras repository properly resolving some dependencies in CentOS.
There are new apt and synaptic packages currently in the CentOS-Testing repository that correct these problems. The new version of apt also can use repomd repositories ... and the next version of CentOS-Release will contain a sources.list file that uses repomd and not rpm type repos for apt.
The new RPMS are: apt-0.5.15lorg3.2-1.c4.i386.rpm apt-devel-0.5.15lorg3.2-1.c4.i386.rpm synaptic-0.57.2-3.c4.i386.rpm
Available here: http://dev.centos.org/centos/4/testing/i386/RPMS/
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
#--------------------- # Example repomd repos for apt # URL: http://www.centos.org
### CentOS-4 APT repositories repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/4/os/i386 repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/4/addons/i386 repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/4/extras/i386 repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/4/updates/i386 repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/4/fasttrack/i386 #repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/4/centosplus/i386 #repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/4/contrib/i386 #repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/4/csgfs/i386