On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 11:35:08AM +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
I'm also assuming that my last email to this thread cleared all the technical issues that people had brought up, if there are still some outstanding now is a great time for people to raise those.
I read it, and I'm still 'meh' on the concept. I think that there should be a compelling reason to diverge from upstream versioning, and I don't see it.
The SIG problem is that either SIGs are at the tip, or not. Having different version names from upstream doesn't really help.
The user problem is that either users are at the tip, or not. Having different version names might make that more obvious, but I bet that people who don't stay at the tip won't notice.
I stay at the tip. Having different version numbers from upstream merely confuses my coworkers. Hence, 'meh'.
-- greg