On Friday, February 26, 2021 6:14 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia nkadel@gmail.com wrote:
On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 9:34 AM Johnny Hughes johnny@centos.org wrote:
But from a user perspective, packages built from source code that will become the next RHEL minor release in less than 6 months is absolutely as "stable" and "usable" as any enterprise distribution out there besides RHEL. The fact that it has a 5 year lifetime and is free is as good as any released distribution out there.
It doesn't necessarily work, without all the other bits being updated at the same time. I'm particularly thinking of the "yum update --security" update that included curl-libs and broke wget until you did "yum update wget" or "yum update" for all components. There was also the "python3" versus "python36" adventure in RHEL 7, which is ongoing, and I anticipate similar adventures if and when python 3.8 is released for CentOs 8 Stream^H^H^H^H RHEL 8. I try to play nice, and have worked with updates to various components (published to third party repos, in particular) that were broken when the base OS got updates. I'm particularly concerned about breaking EPEL components.
CentOS now seems more receptive to greatly expanding the number of SIGs. Hopefully this will mean critical EPEL packages will migrate under CentOS. Once that has been done, it should be possible to get a more consistent CD/CI across both Stream and the Stream Extended packages inherented from EPEL.