On 01/28/2011 10:43 AM, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Andrea Veriav@gnome.org wrote:
The point now is: which kind of software should the main website use if the decision would be to give it a new look. Well, IMHO the best solution at the moment would be to use drupal, it's easy to use and it has anything needed to make a website rocking. (I've also been using it for a while and I can tell drupal is a great CMS software)
Not wanting to chase you away, this is probably best discussed on centos-devel. There have been discussions and also a test machine for getting the forums out of the main website (php-bb seemed the way to go for that at the moment), because that has to be done before website redesign.
There hasn't been a real discussion or decision on which software the main website should run on. Preferrably something which can be "updated" easily, even more preferrably if it can be done so via package management.
I think that Drupal is a good idea, it can be updated with yum as it is included in EPEL 5 and 6 [1][2] (we can setup a CentOS specific repo with the additional modules), also Drupal include a very usable forum (maybe a little basic).
The real problem is the migration of the current CentOS website and forum (I think is XOOPS based) to Drupal, here is some tips [3]
[1] http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/SRPMS/repoview/drupal6.html
[2] http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/6/SRPMS/repoview/drupal6.html
[3] http://drupal.org/node/63796