A pts device is also a tty. I have troubles understanding what you want to achieve (and to be frank, none of your mails are explaining), but if the problem is that your application is SCO-centric and cannot work with pts devices, then you'll have to find the source code or ask your vendor.
You've got it; the application is SCO-centric The application need to find a /dev/tty01 or more but can't work with dev/pts/1.
The developper is no more active and I don't have the sources. One of my last resource is to find a way to start a terminal and have Centos allowing me to start the application on a terminal as tty instead of a pseudo-terminal. The other way is to re-install an SCO Server wich is not a small task for the time we have to recover some archived data.
(Or simply log on to the console instead of using SSH ?)
This haven't been tried, and I will to morrow; but our best will be to use it a text terminal.
Not sure what your application is doing to, try stracing it to find out.
There is no possibility to trace at start-up.
--- Michel Donais