2015-09-29 15:09 GMT+02:00 Julien Pivotto roidelapluie@inuits.eu:
Hi all,
This is a request for comment about a new SIG for the CentOS project. It is also a call for a Centos Board mentor to jump in.
The goal of this proposed SIG is to provide vendor-independent, nicely written packages for automation tools.
Targeted automation tools include Puppet, Chef, Ansible... Some of those tools come in a so-called all-in-one package, with everything built-in in some vendor-defined dependencies. I do think that an alternative for those packages should be possible. It is good for the diversity of our ecosystems and would help anyone who wants to fine control dependencies on those packages or patch one particular dependencies to do so. It would also do its best to re-use system dependencies as much as possible (e.g openssl).
That SIG will probably be a source of interests for other SIG that could use this work to deploy their work based on community packages. It could optionally depend on some Softwares Collections if needed.
My personal interest is to target Puppet 4 on ContOS 7, and that would be the first objective, but this SIG is open to any Open-Source Configuration Management tool.
(just commenting the paragraph above) Fedora Puppet4 package should build unchanged on CBS, if there are any changes required, patches are welcome. If it gets imported in CBS, I'd like to keep packaging consistent on all related platforms.
About me:
I am a sysadmin using CentOS daily. I operate on several infrastructures of different scales mixing several automation/orchestration tools. I come from Belgium and I have been involved as a speaker at previous CentOS DOJO's in Brussels and Paris.
-- (o- Julien Pivotto //\ Open-Source Consultant V_/_ Inuits - https://www.inuits.eu
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