On Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 05:16:38PM +0000, Tim Bell wrote:
Can you clarify how CentOS community volunteers can contribute towards building and releasing the CentOS and Fedora platform artifacts?
Hi Tim! I can't speak for CentOS, but for Fedora... it depends. For the main release and deliverables, you should start with the Fedora Release Engineering docs at https://docs.pagure.org/releng/
If you're interested in something else -- like what we call a "spin" or a custom container image or similar, there's different avenues....
Right now, all of these processes are pretty separate from the CentOS ones, but -- especially as a lot of the paid work is delivered by the CPE team which now works together -- I'd like to see what we can do to reconcile that and take and learn from the best of both.