On 05/24/2011 07:24 PM, Les Mikesell wrote: <snip>
"Missing stuff" is not a big problem if you can get to the point where yum works. I'd love to see an absolutely minimal CD/USB with just the filesystem and raid tools you might need to prepare a disk/raid set and then do an install to the point where the network and yum works. If you are concerned about matching what the DVD install contains you could include scripts with the package lists to pull in later.
The main idea was to have a basic desktop (for the LiveCD) and a full one (with the LiveDVD). Maybe we can have a very minimal one that will simply install @base + mdadm/lvm tools. Let me build one to see how small it will be. On the other hand, i'd personally not want to see too much requests for custom respins landing in the centos repositories. C6 will probably contains several CD iso images + 2 DVD iso images for the normal distro so adding other ISO image for the live media will add another space constraint on the mirrors serving the ISO images.
So, to recap :
* LiveCD : one basic gnome desktop (+included firefox/totem/gthumb) * LiveDVD : full desktop (with probably both gnome/kde and oo.org) * LiveCDminimum : no desktop but just @core and @base (depending on the available time and the official C6 images)