Resolved: We got the service redeployed last night with all the updates. Service seems to be up and working normally.
Regards Bamacharan Kundu On 01/17/2018 12:18 PM, Bamacharan Kundu wrote:
Update: We have rebooted the systems. is back up and working.
we are going through the deployment for getting the container-pipeline-service.
Regards Bamacharan Kundu
On 01/17/2018 11:47 AM, Bamacharan Kundu wrote:
Hi, Due to the CVE updates required for the machines. We are doing the following.
- yum update the machines
- reboot them
- Deploy the service with the code to get weekly scan email back.
so there would be some interruption for the container-pipeline and we are trying to minimize it as far as we can.
Regards Bamacharan Kundu