On Wed, 9 Jul 2014 21:00:45 +0200 Anders F Björklund afb@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
Hi, I am interested in getting the Xfce desktop "supported" for CentOS.
Including working with upstream (Xfce and Fedora/EPEL), filing bugs and improving the packaging - seems like they were mostly dumped...
dumped? I've not really seen many if any bugs on epel5 xfce packages...
The 4.6 Xfce in EPEL 5 was less polished than 4.4 in CentOS 5 Extras. For instance, the whole group (Xfce) is missing from the EPEL comps ?
Odd. I thought i had updated that.
I can do rpm packaging, spec file creation/editing and mock building. I don't use any of the other minority or retro desktop environments, like LXDE or MATE/Trinity, so "just" the GTK+-based desktop of Xfce. Think it's around 50-100 packages (mandatory-optional) for CentOS 5-7.
With EPEL 7 still in beta, and no (or not many) Xfce packages being built so far - I decided to see how far off it was, by using Fedora. Not very, it turned out... It already runs (!), with some minor things like ConsoleKit/systemd and udisks/udisks2, with the .fc18 packages.
nonamedotc@fedoraproject.org has been heading this effort on the epel7 side. He's been building things in copr first and testing them before building in epel. We have the base/core packages aready branched.
The first step would be to rebuild "@xfce-desktop" properly for .el7,
Please coordinate with nonamedotc? Or do you intend to just copy this into a seperate repo?
next step is apps (midori/claws-mail/etc) and office (abiword/gnumeric). Or possibly just ignore those for now and use Mozilla and LibreOffice ? I also had some ideas about the default theme for icons and background.
Details at: http://afb.users.sourceforge.net/xfce/xfce-desktop.html
great. ;)
More help the better...