On Feb 22, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Larry Vaden wrote:
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Bill McGonigle <bill@bfccomputing.com
would be an awesome start for a CentOS Spins project. A scientific spin, for instance.
Or a Server Only spin that is secure out of the box, minimal services, and doesn't enable ISDN services, e.g.
Spins can be done from the binary trees with revisor and other tools; no need to recompile from source RPMs unless you just want the education in how to do that (nothing wrong with wanting to do it the hard way, as long as you're wanting yourself and not someone else to do it, that is!).
See the Fedora Spins information; the revisor tool is in EPEL for C5; it's not yet in EPEL6, but it is in Fedora and shouldn't be too hard to rebuild from SRPM. I'm sure if you dug around in the EPEL pages you might find out why it's not yet in EPEL6, but that doesn't keep you from rebuilding the F12 or even F13 SRPM on EL6 yourself (don't know if the version in rawhide will build/work on EL6 or not; why not try it out and let us know?).
See: https://fedorahosted.org/revisor/ and http://spins.fedoraproject.org/about and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spins_Process#Creating_a_Spin to see how it's done on Fedora.
While I've not personally tried it with CentOS, it should be possible, and even more so with C6 once it is out.