On 02/24/2011 09:34 PM, Dag Wieers wrote:
On Thu, 24 Feb 2011, Johnny Hughes wrote:
Why isn't SL released yet ... why did Oracle only release it last week ... because it takes time and it is hard.
Oracle released RHEL 5.6 on january 12th. Scientific Linux has a rolling release since early february.
Given that Red Hat released 5.6 on Jan 13th, its interesting that you say Oracle had their build out on the 12th. Also interesting and worth noting is that 5.6 sources stock was still making its way to ftp.r.c a few days back ( well into second half of Feb ). Its blatantly clear that neither Oracle nor SciLinux are operating with the same model as are. And I think its also quite clear that we don't really give a rat's ass about what Oracle or SciLinux are doing.
So, can we just give up all this random noise now
- KB