On May 15, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
At the moment, its only a true reflection of where we are - which is why an interest in trying harder, better.
Yep. Certainly no criticism of you or CentOS intended or implied.
But see the "better model" for deciding when/how -debuginfo packages get upgraded @RHT bugzilla, look for "Jan Kratchovil" in RPM bugs.
IMHO adding additional dependency hints or otherwise fiddling with -debuginfo packages is just gonna make a bigger mess.
The usage cases (and installation patterns) of -debuginfo packages warrant a different model than just the ususal "newer" version comparison done by rpm.
The "better model" isn't hard, has already been implemented according to Jan Kratchovil's RFE, and "works".
Just not in the RPM you are using.
73 de Jeff