On 12/27/20 5:00 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
I can see two major ways of enabling 3rd-party drivers: - using elrepo's excellent work on kmods to build a CI for CentOS Stream kernel updates and perhaps block updates based on CI results' consensus (not necessary blocked until it 100% green)
- for proprietary drivers make sure there are clear ways to enable those partners to plug into the same process as an external CI.
Both can be achieved by forming a SIG, contributing some resources, and having a shared set of common CI tools. CKI already gives a platform to base on, for kernel-specific components. Fedora Project already gives a way to organize CIs around similar topics for other components, so reusing the tooling is definitely possible.
Phil Perry from ElRepo project wrote extensively both on [CentOS] and [CentOS-devel] lists why that aproach is not viable. Until you read what he wrote, core is that that process can not be really automated like that, and that compiling drivers for each kernel defeats the purpose of kmod drivers. Also, kmod drivers are built against RHEL kernels, not CentOS...