On 06/19/2014 12:38 PM, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
Features that are introduced by systemd can't be assumed as present except on those (recent) Linux OS versions which are using systemd, and can almost be assumed absent outside the Linux world (such as Solaris, BSD, Win/Mac). A few
Well parsing /etc/redhat-release works only on RHEL/Fedora. /etc/os-release is little better, although I admit id did not work on Windows :)
non-systemd Linux distros do ship /etc/os-release, especially those distro preparing to adopt systemd like Debian and Ubuntu - but even there only in recent or unreleased versions
Not completely true. It is present in Debian for 2 years - long time before considering systemd. And it is present in Debian stable already: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=659853