On 01/08/14 00:05, Lars Holowko wrote:
Thanks Johnny,
So I know it builds on your server (and I could potentially just pull the rrdtool-perl rpm from your buildlogs server.) But I still would feel better if I could build it on my own server.
I added the macros from mock.cfg
config_opts['macros']['%centos_ver'] = "7" config_opts['macros']['%rhel'] = "7" config_opts['macros']['%el7'] = "1" config_opts['macros']['%redhat'] = "7" config_opts['macros']['%vendor'] = "CentOS" config_opts['macros']['%packager'] = "CentOS BuildSystem http://bugs.centos.org" config_opts['macros']['%_vendor'] = "redhat" config_opts['macros']['%_vendor_host'] = "redhat" config_opts['macros']['%_host'] = "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"
to my ~/.rpmmacros
%centos_ver 7 %rhel 7 %el7 1 %redhat 7 %vendor CentOS %packager "CentOS BuildSystem http://bugs.centos.org" %_vendor redhat %_vendor_host redhat %_host x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
but the build still fails with the same error on my system.
Do you have the rpm macros set on your build server somewhere accessible/viewable? Or can someone else build this on "normal" CentOS 7 box
1000 thanks,
Well, all mock config files (including those with modifications needed) are publicly available on git : https://git.centos.org/tree/sig-core!bld-seven.git