Actually there are no nice minutes this time, because someone (who could be it, sorry guys) spoiled the meetbot hashes, so we only have the log:
But these could be the most important stuff:
To summarize the workflow for a virtual SCL packager Jerry: 1. Jerry becomes a member of scl sig and gets access to git under sclo project (ticket at 2. Jerry develops/contributes to a collection under sclo/ namespace in 3. Jerry exports srpm and imports it into rpms/ git namespace (this uses a different git structure) 4. Jerry builds the collection in the rpms/ namespace and it may be considered official (5. may include links to those collections rather than collections built in copr, eventhough the copr may be still used to build "testing" collections directly from sclo/ namespace)
Missing pieces to start so far: a. authtag -- thing that allows non-admin users to push/import srpms into rpms/ namespace (blocking, we cannot import srpms without it) b. centpkg build ready with all features hacked (blocking) c. centpkd feature that allows to do the (3) step easier -- export/import from sclo/ to rpms/ namespace (non-blocking) d. way to control acl by branch name for sig non-admin members by sig admins (non-blocking, everybody can be admin for beginning) importing to sclo should work fine with centpkg even with fedora layout
rhscl-1.2 packages do not seem built yet, so those will be first pieces on the list to build
no meeting the next week due travelling to fosdem
On 01/20/2015 05:14 PM, Honza Horak wrote:
WG meeting will be at 16:00 UTC (11:00 EST, 17:00 Brno, 11:00 Boston, 1:00+1d Tokyo, 2:00+1d Brisbane) in #centos-devel on Freenode.
= Topics =
- current status
- summarize the current work-flow to build collections
- Fosdem plans
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