First community contributed build request for the el7b1 distro! : https://github.com/CentOS/sig-core-bld-seven/pull/1
We're going to build the entire rhel7b1 srpm stock against f19-i686 + rolling build repos into target c6.99.00-i686.
Once we have that done, we remove the f19 requirement and rebuild against c6.99.00-i686 into c6.99.01-i686 rolling builds.
That should give us a good idea of where things are w.r.t i686.
We can then check back into what is needed into the x86_64 tree for multilib, and list the rest of the distro. Once we have that, I'd like to start a conversation around what is needed and how people feel about 'owning' the i686 that isnt needed for multilib x86_64.
For now, the churn will start, build logs are going to the centos-build-reports list ( http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-build-reports )
This is what a success report looks like http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-build-reports/2014-January/000005.h... the build-id is timestamp to a second's resolution. For centos6 one of the key things we've had to do ( increasingly lesser of ) is to rewind the buildroot states ( aka. git blame, but for the entire distro as a whole ) and patch blame ( aka git blame, for the spec file, rewinding patch layers ). The Build-ID is key to that process.
Based on initial builds, we are not going to need any of this anymore ( we've not used it in el6 since the 6.3+updates days ).