Am 26.11.10 21:49, schrieb Matt Rose:
The other solution would be to run a b.c.o, but that takes work to setup, more work to get the accounts over and even more work to reimport the bugs, afaics.
If you know about a working solution on how to do that, I'd be curious.
The solution proposed by Fabian was to have a separate bugzilla.c.o, that would take bugs from abrt, and then a manual process to move them either to, or, or, more likely, just ignore them, but, most importantly, not have them go outside of which is Karanbir's main concern right now.
I am not going to run two different bug reporting instances. Others in probably won't want to do that either :)
So it is either abrt without reporting, no abrt, or b.c.o running on a bugzilla instance, afaics.
And I have no problem changing b.c.o from mantis to bugzilla, *if* people not only want to, but do help. But remember: Old bugs have to get either resolved or moved over.