On 5/25/11 4:59 AM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
"Missing stuff" is not a big problem if you can get to the point where
yum works. I'd love to see an absolutely minimal CD/USB with just the filesystem and raid tools you might need to prepare a disk/raid set and then do an install to the point where the network and yum works.
+1 I would really like to see a bare bones centos live 'spin' too. Then I'll install the rest, either from my own internal repo, or online - that would be awesome
the netinstall iso was aimed for this purposes ever since it exists. I do not see the point of another iso in this context.
I've had situations where for various reasons it would have been better to get a machine with no dvd drive running without needing network access, then after the reboot do some more setup (mounting drives, add NICs and or drivers, etc.) before completing the install. Or sometimes I've had to use ssh port forwarding to reach a proxy so yum could get to the repositories. Or sometimes you want someone else to do an initial step to get a remote machine to a point where you can ssh in to complete the install (which might involve the things above) and you want it to be as fast and simple as possible. These things don't really match what the netinstall iso does.