On Tue, 2018-06-19 at 07:58 +0200, Julien Pivotto wrote:
CentOS 8 will be an important step; it will from the 8.0 be cloud ready, able to run containers, k8s, and who knows in which direction it will lead.
I do think that the artwork should reflect the fact that those pretty new technologies will meet entreprise the entreprise world in a new, fresh distribution, which will be more than a simple update of 8.
In 2 words: Artwork could be very different than 7 Artwork should show both innovation and strength
Excellent points!
Also could we develop the idea of an evolving artwork, where 8.1 8.2 would get "extra bonus" or "changes" compared to 8.0?
I guess it would be possible as long as it doesn't change the initial concept in a way that the artwork end up being something different than that published for the major release in first place. Consider that the artwork chosen must be applied to different visual manifestations (e.g., distribution, web sites, promotion stuff, etc.) to reach a consistent look among them. If we change it too often its propagation may be harder to maintain.
Nice sketches.