On 07/03/15 14:27, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
On 06/03/15 20:57, Karsten Wade wrote:
Now that Gitorious is shutting down, and that in the meantime we have several git repositories hosted under github.com/CentOS, all those facts lead me to the simple conclusion that hosting now t_functional under Github.com/CentOS makes just sense. (and it seems collaboration on github is easy, as we got several PR on those git repositories, while very few on gitorious, probably because almost everybody had an account on github, but not on gitorious)
Now, a longer debate around "do we have to move from Github to something else" is then another debate, but wider than the "t_functional repository needs to move now from gitorious"
So, I'd say "+1" on the move to github (short-term)
Trying to resurrect that thread a little bit.
If nodoby has real objection/doesn't mind about moving from gitorious to github, I'll proceed to that migration in the following days (as Gitorious.org will shut down end of May) Please note that this concerns *only* the current tests ran for QA validation (aka t_functional - see https://gitorious.org/testautomation/t_functional/), so we're not speaking about the srpms/source/spec/etc that are on git.centos.org (which will remain authoritative, and also from where the QA hosts are fetching t_functional from)
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Fabian Arrotin The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab