On 16/05/2020 16:20, Thomas Stephen Lee wrote:
I am a user of CentOS 8. When can we expect an image on AWS? I am just learning AWS and would like to use CentOS 8 for that.
says that this is the list to ask.
we built CentOS 8 AMI for both x86_64 and aarch64 and I was able to import these images in our own account, and could boot these images fine. We tried to reach out to AWS multiple times but no answer so actually I'd be tempted to just share for 8.2.2004 release the AMIs and announce that nobody can use marketplace but can directly launched shared AMIs when the have the reference , so like what Fedora is doing (we never were able to get the 8.0.1905 nor 8.1911 images published on marketplace) :-(